
Insurance Academy: Insurance creditor Schemes of Arrangement: practical insights

Pinsent Masons and Milliman would like to invite you to a webinar on practical insights in respect of Part 26 creditor schemes of arrangement undertaken by insurers.

We have advised a number of clients on the use of such schemes to, amongst other things, distribute inherited estate and collapse closed with-profits funds. In this seminar the speakers will explain:

  • Recent use of creditor schemes of arrangement
  • Practical insights
  • Royal London’s perspective on recent schemes
  • The LV scheme: key learnings


When and where

08:30 - 10:00 BST

Pinsent Masons Video


Jennifer van der Ree

Consulting Actuary at Milliman

Linda Moss

Legal Counsel at Royal London

Lindsay Unwin

Consulting Actuary at Milliman

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