
International construction arbitration: From project construct to project resolve

We are pleased to invite you to our first global infrastructure webinar of 2023 on the theme of construction arbitration.

In many territories, worldwide, commercial arbitration is the final (or only) forum for the resolution of a construction dispute in the absence of party settlement. Many ‘construction arbitrations’ share the following familiar patterns: more frequent factual and technical complexity, difficult points of law and procedure relating to specialised forms of contract and copious documentation. There is surely greater scope for common techniques designed to optimize expeditiousness and cost-effectiveness without compromising party autonomy or equality of arms.

When and where

08:30 - 09:30 BST


In this one-hour session, our specialist international panel will discuss:

  • In 2023, is all going well, or is it time to advance the state of the art?
  • Major areas for the improvement of construction arbitration
  • Top tips for the more efficient, fair and effective conduct and presentation of construction cases in arbitration.

We will end the session with a live audience Q&A. 


Lindy Patterson KC

Arbitrator, Adjudicator, Dispute Board Member at 39 Essex Chambers

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