
Latest developments in international infra projects and disputes: environmental, social, governance and technology

Companies operating in the Infra Sector are seeing new content and contract models as a result of new market practices and requirements.

ESG is often included as a requirement or KPI in the various contracts we see in the Infra Sector, whether Design, Construction, EPC or O&M Contracts. BIM (or Building Information Modelling) is a requirement in some legislations or a practice/expectation in various countries and markets. The trend towards industrialised construction means additional content on IP rights and Data protection in contracts. 

Our experts will be discussing these issues with key industry players to shed light into the various queries that arise:

  • How are these new trends, practices and requirements incorporated into contracts?
  • What are the key aspects to consider when negotiating this new type of content?
  • Is traditional contracting able to cater for these new practices or do we need to look at more collaborative contracting models?
  • Are these aspects creating more collaboration or are they sources for new disputes?
  • What measures can be taken in relation to those potential disputes?

When and where

18:00 - 20:00 CET

Event location

Pinsent Masons
Serrano 90, 2ª y 3ª planta
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