
Our Middle East infrastructure experts will share their insights on the defining moments and current issues affecting legal and commercial developments in the UAE, Qatar and KSA construction markets as part of our Law Review of Construction series.

The session will cover the key legal developments impacting the Middle East Construction sector, including:

  • Tips & Tricks before the local UAE Courts
  • Key Arbitration and other ADR Developments in the Middle East
  • Recent developments in the role of notice provisions in construction contracts and the risks of not adhering to them
  • What you always wanted to know about construction disputes but were to afraid to ask! An open Q&A session with our senior construction disputes team giving you the opportunity to have your questions on issues of construction law in the Middle East answered by the experts.

When and where

17:00 - 21:00 GST



Registration and refreshments







Event location

Pinsent Masons
The Offices 1, (adjacent to the Dubai World Trade Centre)
One Central
PO Box 115580
View in maps
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