Navigating audit investigations in higher education

19 March 2025 10:00 - 11:00 GMT


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With your financial year end approaching, now is the time to identify any issues that could lead to difficult conversations with your statutory auditors. Ensuring your accounts are signed off and on time ensures your brand and reputation aren’t impacted.

During this webinar our Forensic & Accounting Services team will provide guidance about how to have a good conversation with auditors, what pitfalls to avoid, and take you through a case study of managing an audit led investigation.

When and where

10:00 - 11:00 GMT

Our specialists

Lister David

David Lister

Partner, Forensic Accountant, Pinsent Masons

Merritt David

David Merritt

Associate Forensic Accountant, Pinsent Masons

Events and Training

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