Businesses in all sectors are setting ambitious Net Zero targets in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement. These targets typically cover both direct emissions (“scope 1”) and indirect emissions (“scope 2”/“scope 3”).

For many businesses scope 3 emissions, which include those generated by activities and assets outside of the company’s ownership and control, make up the greatest proposition of overall greenhouse gas emissions. Taking steps to identify, measure, monitor and reduce these emissions is therefore essential to achieving Net Zero targets - and this presents specific challenges as well as opportunities for businesses.


During this webinar our panel of experts will address:

  • How businesses are approaching scope 3 emissions reduction and organising themselves to meet their Net Zero targets
  • How sources of emissions can be identified, quantified and ultimately reduced in the supply chain
  •  How businesses in specific sectors of the economy are approaching emissions reduction
  •  What practical steps can be taken to reduce emissions in the supply chain
  • What role the legal team can play in reducing emissions in the supply chain

When and where

08:30 - 09:30 BST

Pinsent Masons Video


Chris Hayes

Sustainability Operations Director at Skanska

Will Jenkins

Director at Carbon Intelligence

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