Preventing sexual harassment – What’s working and what have we learned?

25 March 2025 10:00 - 11:00 GMT


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Industry leaders share practical insights and successful strategies implemented since the introduction of the Worker Protection (Amendment) Act 2023.

Understand the latest legal developments and what to watch out for, including key risks and the role of the EHRC. You will hear from industry leaders about effective strategies and real-world successes in preventing sexual harassment and fostering respectful workplaces.

For attendees this will be an excellent opportunity to engage with experts and have your questions answered. Learn from their experiences and get actionable advice to enhance your own workplace practices.

Who should attend?

This session will be of interest to HR professionals, line managers, in-house legal teams, Equality Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) specialists, Data Protection officers, and anyone with an interest in EDI matters.

When and where

10:00 - 11:00 GMT


  • Horizon Scanning: Covering the legal aspects and key developments since implementation of the Act, 26 October 2024.
  • What’s working: An expert panel discussion on actions, organisational impacts, and future plans.
  • Measuring impact: How actions and policies are shaping the measures being put in place on progress and impact on the work done.
  • Q&A: Specialists answering your questions
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