
The FCA Business Plan 2021/22: The impact on retail financial services firms

In this virtual session, a panel of Pinsent Masons experts will be joined by Richard Monks, Director of Strategy at the FCA to discuss what the FCA’s recently released Business Plan 2021/22 means for firms engaged in financial services retail markets. 

The regulator has acknowledged that it has a considerable challenge ahead of it, driven by a multitude of factors, such as Brexit, the pandemic, ESG considerations, improving customer outcomes and digitisation. In response, the FCA wants to become a more agile, proactive, innovative and digitally driven regulator, and that approach will have a material impact on all retail financial services market participants. 

Our panelists will take a deep dive into specific areas which the FCA’s plan addressed and their potential impacts on retail market participants. Q&A with Richard will follow the discussion. 


09:30: Welcome - Colin Read, Pinsent Masons
09:35: Introduction to Business Plan 2021/22 - Richard Monks, FCA
09:55: Observations around the Business Plan 2021/22 - Pinsent Masons panel
10:10: FCA response to Pinsent Masons' observations - Richard Monks, FCA
10:15: Q&A
10:30: Close

Who should attend?

This will be relevant for retail financial services market participants. 


When and where

09:30 - 10:30 BST

Pinsent Masons Video
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