
How to utilise effective project management governance to achieve legal and strategic goals.

As the delivery of legal matters becomes more complex and time sensitive, in-house GCs and legal teams at universities and higher education institutions are under increasing pressure to deliver more with limited bandwidth and time constraints. Efficient and effective project management governance has become crucial to ensure delivery of legal and strategic goals. 

Join us to hear from our Legal Project Management Team, who will share insights, strategies, and best practices tailored specifically for higher education institutions. We will explore:

  • Understanding the core principles and benefits of applying project management techniques to legal and operational delivery.
  • Our bespoke methodology, developed over years of experience in major project delivery.
  • Using technology to streamline processes and empower legal teams.
  • How to integrate best practices to optimise success.

Event date

11:00 - 12:00 BST

Pinsent Masons Video


Rinesh Pankhania

Legal Project Management Lead at Pinsent Masons

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