In this session the panel will discuss a possible future of virtual courts and hearings in Africa. What are the opportunities and the obstacles that may hamper the uptake.

The event will follow a radio style type discussion and will be chaired by Richard Laudy joined by Sir Vivian Ramsey, Johan Beyers and Thethe Mokele.

Who should attend?

This particular topic will be of interest to a wide ranging of people and unrestricted according to sector. Whilst it will have an Africa focus, the fundamentals surrounding virtual courts that will be discussed will have application to all other jurisdictions too.


When and where

09:00 - 10:00 BST
10:00 - 11:00 CAT

Pinsent Masons Video


Johan Beyers

Advocate of the High Courts of South Africa at Keating Chambers

Sir Vivian Ramsey

International Judge at The Singapore International Commercial Court, International Arbitrator

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