Pinsent Masons and Gough Square Chambers jointly host a "virtual" consumer protection conference.

With consumer protection at the top of the news agenda, this conference provides a critical update on developments in the law as well as an opportunity to hear the latest thinking from regulators, industry associations and consumer groups. The agenda covers the key hot topics in consumer law such as 'unfairness', dealing with vulnerable consumers and the regulators' powers to impose fines and director disqualification orders.


The conference takes the form of two one-hour webinar sessions from 14:30 - 15:30 and 16:00 - 17:00.

The first session discusses recent changes to the consumer protection regime and the role of the Competition & Markets Authority in enforcement.

The second panel session looks at the broader regulatory framework and in particular, how businesses should deal with vulnerable consumers.

Event Audience: In-House Counsel

When and where

14:30 - 17:00 BST

Webinar 1: 14:30 - 15:30

Welcome & Introductions

  • Angelique Bret, Partner, Pinsent Masons
  • Jonathan Kirk QC, Gough Square Chambers

Consumer protection rules and the role of the Competition & Markets Authority

The latest in consumer protection law and risks for business

  • Jonathan Kirk QC, Gough Square Chambers
  • Anna Medvinskaia, Gough Square Chambers

Putting consumers at the heart of the enforcement agenda

  • Jason Freeman, Director of Consumer Law, Competition & Markets Authority

Should the CMA be able to impose fines and DDOs?

  • Angelique Bret, Partner, Pinsent Masons

Break: 15:30 - 16:00

Webinar 2: 16:00 – 17:00

Welcome & Introductions

  • Angelique Bret, Partner, Pinsent Masons
  • Jonathan Kirk QC, Gough Square Chambers

The role of the Advertising Standards Authority

  • Guy Parker, Chief Executive, Advertising Standards Authority

Panel Debate

How the regulators protect the interests of (vulnerable) consumers, particularly in the context of businesses struggling to deal with the consequences of the coronavirus

  • Christine Riefa, Reader specialising in Consumer Law, Brunel University (Panel Chair)
  • Sue Davies, Chief Policy Adviser, Which?
  • Wendy Martin, Director of Policy, Association of Chief Trading Standards Officers
  • Jason Freeman, Director of Consumer Law, Competition & Markets Authority



Anna Medvinskaia

Barrister at Gough Square Chambers

Dr Christine Riefa

Reader specialising in Consumer Law at Brunel University

Guy Parker

Chief Executive at Advertising Standards Authority

Jason Freeman

Director of Consumer Law at Competition & Markets Authority

Jonathan Kirk QC

Barrister at Gough Square Chambers

Sue Davies

Chief Policy Adviser at Which?

Wendy Martin

Director of Policy at Association of Chief Trading Standards Officers

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