
EMEA Client Construction briefing - Session one: Time and Money entitlements: how to maximise commercial advantage in differing legal systems

As the leading global energy and infrastructure law firm with a world class reputation in advising construction projects and resolving construction disputes, we will be pooling the skills of our team across the EMEA region, offering attendees unique insights into issues that are affecting the sector in the region generally and in each local jurisdiction.

In this series we look to life beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on key legal topics impacting both Owners and Contractor’s entitlements in infrastructure and energy projects.


Join our first session where our EMEA experts discuss delay issues and how to maximise commercial advantage through differing legal systems, highlighting the different approach between Common law and Civil law systems and how they treat the following elements:

  • Extensions of time
  • Concurrent delay – How is this dealt with?
  • Duty to mitigate
  • Liquidated damages

When and where

08:30 - 09:30 (BST)

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