
Introducing the FCA business plan 2020/21 and assessing the impact on vulnerable customers

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) Head of Scotland office, Maggie Craig and Pinsent Masons deliver the FCA Business Plan, setting out its main areas of focus for 2020/21, detailing the key priorities and planned activities for the next year.

Coronavirus (Covid-19) is profoundly affecting the financial lives of consumers and the workings of markets. Organisations, including the FCA, are facing a huge challenge as they support employees while also ensuring that the interests of customers - particularly vulnerable customers - stakeholders and the wider public are protected.

This webinar informs Scottish stakeholders on the FCA's priorities for the year ahead; including supervisory and enforcement work as well as reflecting on how best to support vulnerable customers during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Event Audience: trade bodies/ consumer groups/ academia/ other regulators and Pinsent Masons clients.

When and where

10:00 – 11:00 (BST)



  • 10:00: Welcome by David Young, Pinsent Masons
  • 10:05: Intro to FCA work in Scotland and presentation on business plan 2020/21, Maggie Craig FCA
  • 10:25: Response to business plan 2020/21, focussing on impact on vulnerable customers, Pinsent Masons
  • 10:40: FCA response, Maggie Craig
  • 10:45: Q&A
  • 11:00: Close

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