
Emergency Guidance from the Pensions Regulator gives the ability to offer financial support to Companies (where this needed) through the deferral of deficit repair contributions ("DDRC"). However, there are risks to both Companies and Trustees in pursuing this route, in particular the scope for the Pensions Regulator to intervene and challenge the terms of the DDRC downstream of Covid-19.


Our Question and Answer session explores the key issues to be considered by Companies in pursuing a DDRC proposal, and the steps that can be taken from a legal perspective to mitigate the risk of subsequent regulatory intervention. Paul Brice, a Partner at Grant Thornton, join us to give some insights into the key issues from a covenant assessor perspective. The full list of speakers can be found below.

We also address some key aspects of the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme from a pensions perspective.

Target Audience: Corporates, Finance Directors, Senior personnel, Chief Executives, In-House Counsel

When and where

13:15 – 14:15 BST



Paul Brice

Partner at Grant Thornton

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