
Reasonable adjustments for mental health - remote workers (Interactive online workshop)

As the number of employees working remotely has increased so too has employers' need to look after their employees' mental health. Challenges to mental health may be different for remote workers and the support employers provide needs to be tailored to meet those challenges.

These (x3 50 minute sessions, 10:00-13:00) sessions will explore how to:

  • Encourage disclosure by/ discussion with colleagues
  • Identify the level of support needed
  • Ask the right questions of OH/medical experts
  • Advise managers on how support and manage a remote worker where a mental health condition impacts upon their performance
  • Assess whether suggested adjustments are reasonable to accommodate

When and where

Virtual online training (3 x 50 minutes)
10:00 -13:00 GMT
£99 + VAT per person

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