A series of webinars that will share critical thinking across both the public and private sector and will explore whether the government's proposed planning reforms are likely to do the job in terms of facilitating the rebuilding of the UK economy.


This online panel session will share critical thinking across both the public and private sector and will explore whether the Government's proposed planning reforms, and also their wider reforms not least ‘Project Speed’, are likely to do the job in terms of facilitating the rebuilding of the UK economy. The panel will examine what infrastructure planning reforms, particularly in terms of changes to legislation, policy and resourcing, will be sufficient to provide a modern framework for consenting the next generation of sustainable economic infrastructure in England. 

 The debate will be followed by a Q&A session. Questions can be submitted on the day or alternatively if you would like to ask a question in advance, you can send them to: Energy and Infrastructure - Robbie Owen

Who should attend?

Designed for those who are involved in planning across energy and infrastructure, where attendees will gain an insight into the issues that need to be considered, offering an appreciation of the challenges facing each market.

When and where

11:15 - 12:30 BST



Hannah Vickers

CEO at Association of Consultancy and Engineering

Hereward Phillpot QC

at FTB Chambers

Joanna Averley

Chief Planner at MHCLG

Sue Manns

President at RTPI

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