This virtual mock ET will give attendees a chance to see how documents are shared, how witnesses are brought forward and questioned, how counsel and the judge handle the hearing, and to ask questions.

Covid-19 has resulted in many hearings being heard online, creating new challenges for employers and witnesses. This entertaining session will give in-house lawyers, HR professionals and prospective witnesses a valuable insight into what an employment tribunal looks like when it goes online.

You will have an opportunity to see how documents are shared, how witnesses are brought forward and questioned, how counsel and the judge handle the hearing, and to ask questions.


  • 12:00: Introduction
  • 12:15: Mock Tribunal starts
  • 13:20: Break
  • 13:30: Polls and Decision
  • 14:00: Finish

Who should attend?

In-house legal teams, HR professionals, and managers who are scheduled to give evidence in a remote hearing.

When and where

12:00 - 14:00 GMT

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