Out-Law / Your Daily Need-To-Know

The Coronavirus (Covid-19) has had a profound impact on business globally. Businesses are now looking forward to life after lockdown and returning to the new 'normal'. This brings about its own challenges for businesses who have faced an unprecedented level of disruption.

As governments around the world grapple with the decisions of how to lift lockdown and when to ease social distancing, businesses face decisions on how to re-open and return to work. These range from employees coming out of furlough to assessing how to operate safely and in line with health and safety requirements and revised social distancing rules.

Global businesses will need to assess and deal with different requirements around the world. A critical challenge will be that different countries are going back to normal at different times but also at a different pace. For businesses that operate outside and/or do not have the public visiting the ability to return to operations sooner – but this may mean heavier restrictions to comply with. For those in the leisure and hospitality sector the return to full operations is likely to be severely extended and businesses will need to work out how to operate in these new ways for an extended interim period.

One thing remains certain, as we exit the Covid-19 pandemic we will all be moving to a new 'normal'. All businesses will need to adjust and re-assess their finances, the markets in which they operate, their customers, their ways of working and their operations. For some this may well be a catalyst for change as they seek to accelerate their business and recover the time and ground lost to Covid-19.

Our Coronavirus taskforce has put together a working checklist to support businesses that are re-opening. Further support and guidance can be found clicking on the relevant links to get the most up to date deep dive information on these issues.



Workforce planning – employees returning to work, furlough and mental health

Managing return to work in the UK

Managing shielding employees' return to work

Immigration considerations as the UK returns to work

Managing the return to work in Ireland

Coronavirus: public health measures on entry to the UK

Incentivising employees while conserving cash

How can UK employers prepare for a second wave?

How Covid-19 may affect business travel to Ireland

Data Protection should shape employee monitoring (France)

Saudi Arabia labour law amended to protect jobs

Immigration implications for UK employers

Setting up an employee benefit fund in the UK

Operating safely – meeting social distancing and health and safety requirements to operate

UK Health and Safety

A 'new normal' for Spanish tourism

Health and safety during construction works in Spain

Retail in Spain as lockdown eases

Remote mediation

Contracts and supply chain – re-engaging with the supply chain and re-setting contracts

Coordinating the global supply chain

Consider CPI contract increase mechanisms

Cross Border infrastructure

Collaboration key to contracting after lockdown

Corporate Governance – audits, AGMs and duties

Corporate Governance planning

Business finance and funding – accessing finance and considering Government support claims and tracking progress

UK Business Support Mechanisms

Irish Business Support Mechanisms

VAT cuts for catering industry (Germany)

Income supports for employers and employees in Ireland

UK large business interruption loan scheme extended

UK Future Fund open to high-growth businesses

Insurance – considering claims and future insurance cover

Insurance liability as the UK returns to work

Assessing legal claims – re-setting force majeure notices and considering any claims

Force Majeure after lockdown

Considering losses and business impact

Supply chain failure – keeping a watching brief on supply chains given the squeeze

Managing Supply Chain Failure risk

The UK's Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill

Accessing properties - dealing with landlords and access requirements

Return to work requires landlord and tenant dialogue

Rent recovery and protection - what commercial landlords can do

Coronavirus: impact on French real estate

Collaborations – ensuring collaborating is done safely

Competition law enforcement after the lock down

Operations – IT, cyber and data requirements

IT and remote working

Managing e-data

IP registrations and disputes across Europe

UK governments outline licensing requirements as hospitality sector reopens

Our original Covid-19 business impact guide is still available to download.  Please note that this guide is no longer regularly updated and its content is correct up to the date published on the front cover only.

Download Covid Guide (228 Pages / 6MB)

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