Plans for the development, which is on the 1.57 hectare site of a former National Asset Management building, include the demolition of existing buildings on the site and the development of seven new buildings which will be up to seven storeys in height. In all, 264 new homes will be built and the scheme will also have 500 square metres of commercial space as well as 97 car parking spaces. The development will include 44 affordable homes.
Bellway Homes consulted with local residents on the plans earlier this year and over half of the responses received considered the development to be beneficial to the area. The biggest issue raised by residents was the potential impact on local amenities, such as doctors and school places.
The site was included in the Council's planning brief (51-page / 1.16MB PDF) for Lawrence Road, which sets out planning guidance for developments in the area. The Council says in the brief that it seeks housing-led mixed-use schemes for the area that are viable, sustainable and respectful of the surrounding environment.
"Lawrence Road has been in decline for some years now with many of the commercial buildings becoming progressively redundant," said Bellway Homes on its website dedicated to the scheme. "The Council has responded to this situation by identifying the area as being suitable for regeneration through re-development of the existing buildings."
"This will provide new houses and other uses including new employment space and it is anticipated that this will deliver many benefits to the area, including environmental improvements through the removal of unattractive buildings, economic benefits and social gains from the delivery of new housing and commercial floorspace," Bellway Homes said.