Developer Hammerson is expecting to submit a planning application in the spring for a 260,000 square metre mixed-use redevelopment of the Goodsyard site in London's E1, which it holds jointly with Ballymore Properties.

Hammerson said in its 2013 annual results (52-page / 587KB PDF), which were published this week, that the 4.3 hectare site has the potential to deliver more than 1,400 new homes as well as 19,000 sq m of retail, 60,000 sq m offices and "substantial" public realm, including a new park.

The site, which is located by Shoreditch High Street Station, is the former Bishopsgate Goods Yard and has been a rail transport hub since the 1840's. It is currently occupied by the Powerleague and Box Park, which will use the site temporarily until the scheme is brought forward.

The London Boroughs of Hackney and Tower Hamlets and the Greater London Authority adopted an interim planning guidance document (95-page / 4.64MB PDF) for the site in 2010, setting out a vision for the development of up to 2,000 homes, large offices as well as small businesses, shops and leisure facilities.

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