The English woman sacked for blogging by the accountants she worked for in Paris has won her case for unfair dismissal.

By John Oates for The Register.

This story has been reproduced with permission.

Catherine Sanderson ran what she considered an anonymous blog while working in Paris for accountancy firm Dixon Wilson. When the beancounters were told of her blog she was sacked for gross misconduct. Sanderson believed the firm could not be identified from her blog while the accountants believed that a picture of her on the blog was enough to identify them.

The blog did mention Sanderson's work, without identifying the firm, but was mostly about her life as a separated mother of one living in Paris.

Ms Sanderson was awarded a year's salary plus costs. On her blog she said the verdict was a relief and she would go out and paint the town red if only she could get a babysitter for her daughter.

Dixon Wilson still has a month to appeal the decision. The firm declined to comment on the result.

As a result of the row Sanderson has landed herself a book deal.

More from the Telegraph here.

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