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BSA takes Northern Ireland firm to High Court alleging software misuse

The Business Software Alliance (BSA) has issued High Court proceedings against a Northern Irish firm, accusing it of using unlicensed software. It is not yet clear if the company, Kelman Ltd, will defend the action.

Anti-piracy lobby group the BSA has issued proceedings in the High Court of Northern Ireland. Kelman has two weeks in which to indicate whether or not it will contest the case. Kelman did not respond to requests for comment.

The case is being taken in the name of some of the world's biggest software companies: Microsoft, Adobe, Autodesk and Symantec. Kelman is accused of copyright infringement in allegedly using products from those companies without proper licences.

“In cases where we have reasonable evidence that copyright has been infringed we will take action to protect the rights of our members," said Sarah Coombes, director of legal affairs for Europe at the BSA. "They make considerable financial investments in developing, distributing and supporting their software and the cost of the license reflects this." 

"While the BSA and its members are happy to engage with companies who have a genuine wish to rectify any software licensing problems, we are fully prepared to take legal action against those who flout the law.”

Kelman is a supplier to the electricity generation industry and the railway industry. It has offices in the US, Canada, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, Denmark, China, South Africa, India, Japan, Singapore, Mexico, Venezuela, Chile and Brazil.

The BSA said that 27% of UK business software is used without a licence, and that it was prepared to pursue companies that did not have the correct licences for software.

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