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Competition Commission releases pay TV investigation details

SNIPPET: The Competition Commission (CC) has published the details of an investigation which it will carry out into the market for films on pay television stations.

Last month we reported that Ofcom had referred the issue to the CC, saying that Sky's dominance in the sector may be a cause for competition law concern.

The CC has now outlined the extent of the investigation it will carry out, as well as its timetable. Its statements define the terms of the investigation and its aims.

"Our statutory remit is to assess competition in the market for movies on Pay TV services, and we will not address any broader public policy issues," the CC said in its 'statement of issues'. "However, we will consider such issues in so far as they interact with the process of competition."

The documents outline the questions the CC will seek to ask and ask for submissions and evidence from people and organisations on those questions.

The CC will conduct site visits in October, hold hearings next February and will publish provisional findings and any remedies next April.

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