19 Feb 2014, 12:44 pm
The Council granted permission in December for the farm to be redeveloped into a football training academy and a community sports hub after entering into a development agreement with QPR.
Hanwell Community Forum lodged a challenge with the High Court last month claiming that the decision was unlawful on several grounds, including that the site comprises Metropolitan Open Land and that councillors handling the decision were impartial.
“We are disappointed that an application for a judicial review has been made and have no choice but to defend any legal action taken," said a spokeswoman for Ealing according to reports. "The council is confident it has secured an excellent deal for local people. QPR will invest millions of pounds into community sports facilities and a comprehensive community sports development programme – and at no cost to tax payers."
“The council has kept its roles as a landowner and a planning authority separate throughout the process, and the committee’s decision to approve the plans was sound and based on proper planning conditions,” the spokeswoman added.