Out-Law News

Elizabeth Hurley threatens registrar for re-route of domain name

Actress Elizabeth Hurley has threatened to sue a domain name registrar for allowing the registration of elizabethhurley.co.uk by a person who registered the name and re-routed its traffic to a site called cocainesex.com.

Following a written threat from Hurley’s Californian lawyers that they would sue for $10 million unless the re-route was disabled, Easyspace.com has capitulated to the demand. According to a report in Newsbytes.com, the removal of the re-route to cocainesex.com was done with the consent of the owners of elizabethhurley.co.uk.

In a statement issued on Tuesday this week, the acting CEO of Easyspace.com, Erik Young, said he was advised by Hurley’s lawyers that his company was “party to the unauthorised registration of elizabethhurley.co.uk.” Young’s statement says that the company has in the past taken direct action to protect the reputation and goodwill of celebrities, adding:

"There is a standard procedure our company follows as an ICANN Registrar and that is what we have done. We have never been involved in any way whatsoever in causing damage to Elizabeth Hurley. To avoid anyone else using our company as a vehicle to attempt anything like this again I have arranged the registration of all and any available domains that can contain the description ElizabethHurley. We have no interest in financial reward and will be pleased to arrange for all names we have registered today to protect the interests of Elizabeth Hurley to be transferred at her convenience into her/her agent's possession."

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