An action has been won in the French courts by some of the world's leading fashion designers who alleged copyright infringement by internet fashion site The designers, including famous brand names Lacroix, Givenchy and Dior, argued that the publication of images of their products over the internet was a breach of their exclusive copyright in their designs and brand names.

The Paris High Court ruled that by offering for sale access to these images, the company responsible for the FirstView web site was in breach of copyright. A US company called ViewFinder operated the site and is therefore liable for the breach.

However, ViewFinder has failed to respond to the court ruling and has failed to pay the damages of FF 500,000 (around £46,000) and interest awarded by the court to each of the seven parties bringing the action. If ViewFinder continues to ignore the court order, an action may have to be brought to enforce it through the US courts.

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