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Google expected to discuss Wi-Fi data gathering with Spanish court

SNIPPET: Spanish digital rights group Apedanica has said that a Madrid court has asked Google to appear before it in October to explain itself in relation to the gathering of Wi-Fi data there.

Google's Street View product was produced by cars that travelled the streets of the US and Europe Taking photos that the search giant stitched together into a massive online photo-map. It emerged just this year, though, that the company also gathered information on the existence of Wi-Fi networks.

It then emerged that some of that data was made up of snippets of the traffic that travelled over those networks. Though UK privacy regulator the ICO has said that it is "unlikely" that much personal data was gathered, Apedanica has said that a Madrid court wants to hear more.

It said that Google will be called on 4th October to tell the court what information it collected, how and from how many people.

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