Out-Law / Your Daily Need-To-Know

The London Borough of Hounslow has approved plans for 520 new homes as part of ISIS Waterside Regeneration's proposed mixed-use Brentford Lock West scheme. 

The scheme includes plans for 7,000 square metres of commercial space with 20% of the homes being made available for affordable housing. ISIS has allocated £2 million for investment into local health and education facilities.

The Council has granted detailed planning permission for the first three buildings in the scheme, including 150 new homes which would all be made available for private sale. The first phase also includes a number of commercial units which would be located in some retained art deco buildings on the site.

ISIS's commitment to the local community was commended by the Council's planning committee chairman, who suggested that the approach should be noted and set as an example for others to follow, according to local reports.

"Having spent a long time working with the local community to take on board their thoughts and concerns, it is great news that we have now secured planning and will be able to press ahead with our plans for the creation of this exciting new community," said Katie Sully, development director at ISIS Waterside Regeneration, according to a local report.

"The homes at Brentford Lock West have really been designed to maximise their waterside location and will support the on-going regeneration in this area. There is a great sense of community in Brentford and it has been important to us that we engage with the local people who live and work here," she said.

As part of the overall scheme, ISIS plans to work in conjunction with British Waterways to make a number of improvements to the moorings at Brentford Lock West, it said. Planned improvements to the Lock include new visitor mooring and hook up points and a floating pontoon to be used by the local canoe club. The developer also plans to widen the canal towpath.

Work on the site is due to start this winter and the first homes are planned to be completed by winter 2013.

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