A survey of marketing executives has named Hewlett-Packard’s Carly Fiorina as the technology leader who most harmed their brand in 2001. The results were released today by Liquid Agency, a San Jose-based technology brand marketing firm which fielded the study in conjunction with The Sausalito Group, a strategic intelligence company, and Neale-May & Partners, a strategic marketing and communications company. The report captures the opinions of more than 700 leading technology marketers in 17 countries.

According to the results:

  • While financial losses and stock price depreciation were major causes for brand erosion, industry hype comes in a close third, according to respondents.
  • Marketers ranked the top three CEOs who most harmed their brands in 2001 as (1) Carly Fiorina, followed by (2) Oracle’s Larry Ellison and (3) Bill Gates.
  • The three companies voted as having best maintain brand value in 2001 were (1) Microsoft, (2) IBM and (3) Dell.
  • The three technology companies voted worst at maintaining brand value were named as (1) HP, (2) Compaq and (3) Cisco.

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