Indonesia wants to make sure all power plants are producing energy only from renewable sources by 2060.

It is reported that Indonesia’s state-owned electricity distributor Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) has prepared plans for large scale green energy power plants and will increase investment in them to prepare for its prediction that Indonesia’s electricity demand will increase five fold by 2060.

According to PLN’s deputy director Darmawan Prasodjo, electricity demand in 2060 will be 1,800 terawatt hours (TWh).

PLN will make sure a few older plants which are still in operation will be included in the biomass co-combustion programme. Fossil fuel power plants will be converted to renewables to reduce the use of high-emission oil and coal.

Prasodjo also said PLN would speed up the fusion of renewable energies according to Indonesian government’s plan.

In June, the country’s government announced its plan to build power plants with a capacity of up to 41 gigawatts (GW) over the next 10 years basing on the draft Power Procurement Plan (RUPTL) of PLN. The government will continue to prioritise the development of fossil fuel power plants over new renewable energy-based power plants at a rate of 52% to 48% in the next 10 years.

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