Out-Law / Your Daily Need-To-Know

Memory chip maker Infineon scored a small victory in the ongoing case brought against it by chip designer Rambus. Early last week, the presiding US judge dismissed all but three of the 57 patent infringement claims made by Rambus against the German off-shoot of Siemens. On Friday, he dismissed the remaining three, but yesterday upheld Infineon’s counter-claim that Rambus committed fraud.

Rambus had hoped to collect royalties on its designs for high speed chips that are made by Infineon. Infineon argues that Rambus wrongly failed to disclose certain intellectual property to JEDEC, the chip industry’s standard-setting body.

A jury is expected to consider the fraud claim later this week which is based on the US Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organisations Act.

Rambus has already said it will appeal the rulings against it. It is separately suing Micron and Hyundai’s Hynix for patent infringements in addition to a German lawsuit against Infineon.

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