Research shows that, worldwide, the internet continues to grow at an impressive rate. According to the study by Telegeography, the telecom statistics and analysis firm, cross border internet links grew 174% during the period July 2000 to July 2001. The cross border links measured by Telegeography include general internet applications such as e-mail or web page information requests.

Latin America was the area to see the highest level of growth, Europe followed with the second highest percentage increase.

Although worldwide growth for 2000-2001 was less than the 1999-2000 rate of 382%, Jessica Marantz, Telegeography’s director of business development explained that that this is not necessarily a sign that the spread of the internet is slowing:

“some smaller regions have large growth rates because they are starting from smaller numbers. It is difficult for a region like the US to keep up growth rates that have been high for several years. Growth rates like that are not sustainable.”

Maranz added that one of the most important developments in internet infrastructure that occurred in the last year was the emergence of Europe as a secondary “hub” behind the US.

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