Out-Law News

Irish investor to build Europe's tallest residential skyscraper in Canary Wharf

The Ryan Corporation has bought a site in London's Docklands for £100 million, with plans to build a 74-storey tower to comprise 500,000 square feet of luxury flats, the Financial Times has reported .

The £1 billion 'Hertsmere' scheme on the previously named Columbus Tower site will be taller than 1 Canada Square and the proposed City Pride residential tower at 15 Westferry Road. Upon its planned completion in 2018 it is expected to be the tallest residential building in Europe according to the reports.

The site has existing planning consent for a 242-metre mixed-use scheme containing offices, a hotel and shops.

“Canary Wharf is one of the few places in the UK where you can build a tall building said Ryan Corporation UK chief operating officer Richard Berridge. "It’s time for a very good residential building of a very high standard; that is something that has been lacking there until now.”

“London continues to be at the heart of the global real estate market and the property market is incredibly buoyant. With our location and with the amazing views, our plans are to invest heavily in creating a new level of luxury that can go head to head with the very best that New York, Dubai or Hong Kong has to offer,” Berridge added.

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