In a Commons debate this week following the presentation of an ISC interim report to Prime Minister Tony Blair, Alan Beith MP told the House that the Investigatory Powers Tribunal was too under-funded and short-staffed to carry out its job.
A separate Technical Advisory Board has been set up to help ISPs with any such orders. The Act does not require all ISPs to put interception equipment in place.
The ISC report (of which only paragraphs 19, 20 and 36 deal with the Investigatory Powers Tribunal).
A recent Paris Court of Appeal ruling ordering a blanket blocking of several pornographic websites underscores the growing concerns over child protection in the digital age, an expert has said.
The ineffectiveness of the actions of the Church of England to stop abuse by John Smyth demonstrate the importance of prompt, full investigations whenever safeguarding concerns are raised, an expert has said.
Victoria’s security of payment legislation could soon see extensive reform the state government has indicated, in its response to a parliamentary inquiry into refusals to pay construction industry sub-contractors for completed works.
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