, an unofficial domain name registry created to meet the market demand for web addresses with logical, easy-to-remember extensions, this week announced that it has released a new domain name extension, .movie, targeted to consumers and movie fans interested in easily finding their favourite official movie sites by typing web addresses that end in .movie instead of .com. It sees a gap in a market where film producers often struggle to find available any memorable .com names that match the names of their movies.

It will not be open to all internet users; instead, users must be customers of an ISP that already recognizes domain names or users can download a plug-in application.

Since's launch in March of this year, the company has been selling domain name extensions such as .shop, .family and .auction. has upset members of ICANN, the official naming body of the internet. Like other unofficial domain name sellers, competes in a market where it can only succeed if it gets a sufficient number of users downloading the plug-in or accessing its sub-domains via affiliated ISPs. To date, it has been more successful than any other non-ICANN approved registry.

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