Internet and new technology analysts at Jupiter Media Metrix have predicted that while nearly all on-line security trades are presently initiated by consumers, a growing percentage will be composed of responses to brokers' recommendations in the future. They speculate that approximately 3% of on-line trades will be initiated through mobile internet services in 2006 and that "responsive" trades driven via wireless e-mail and promotions will amount to 100 million trades, or nearly 13% of all on-line trades, in the same year.

Jupiter analysts predict that the shift from investor-initiated trades to broker-solicited "responsive" trades will represent a radical change in the way investors use interactive media to manage their personal wealth. Robert Sterling senior analyst at Jupiter Media Metrix said:

"The on-line trading field is now wide open for reputable brokers and dealers to use secure wireless and e-mail technologies to encourage their customers to make responsive trades. Responsive trading will be the premiere customer-facing wireless brokerage application."

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