Technical solutions company Intergraph has sued chip-giant Intel in a Texas district court alleging that Intel has infringed two of its patents. According to Alabama-based Intergraph, the patents define key aspects of parallel instruction computing (PIC). Intergraph alleges that its patented PIC technology forms an essential component in Intel’s new Itanium chip.

This is the second time that Intergraph has made allegations of patent infringement against Intel. The last case, in November 1997, was based on a claim that Intel had used the company’s patented Clipper technology in the development of its Pentium family of processors and systems. A date for a jury trial, due to take place in an Alabama district court, has still to be set in that case.

According to Intergraph, the subject matter of the two lawsuits against Intel is unconnected. Intel has not yet publicly responded to the latest allegations.

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