Out-Law News

Philippines plans tender for geothermal and hydropower projects

The Philippines’ Department of Energy (DOE) announced a tender for five geothermal projects and 17 hydropower projects which will be awarded in April.

The DOE's plans include five geothermal projects and 17 hydropower projects with a total potential generation capacity of 150 MW. The five geothermal projects cover areas Daklan, Itogon, Putting Lupa, Maricaban island and Mt.Labo with totally 87 MW potential capacity, according to a DOE statement.

All the 22 projects will be offered to qualified renewable energy developers deemed eligible based on the criteria set by the DOE. The PPA has enough technical information for preliminary reference by those interested in acquiring renewable energy development rights.

The deadline to submit bid documents will be 15 February. The DOE plans to decide which projects are to be awarded contracts 14 April.

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