Out-Law News 1 min. read
03 Oct 2012, 2:33 pm
Cala can now begin development on the scheme, which will include 800 affordable homes as well as leisure and community facilities and associated infrastructure.
The decision comes after a long-running battle by Cala to gain planning approval. The Secretary of State (SoS) refused the developer's application for the scheme last year, saying that Winchester Council's emerging Core Strategy needed time to develop. Cala challenged the decision, saying the SoS had incorrectly interpreted the law. The High Court quashed the decision and the case was referred back to the SoS for redetermination.
“We welcome the appeal decision and now look forward to continuing to work with the city council and local community to deliver a high-quality development," Cala Homes said in a statement.“Coming so soon on the back of stimulus packages designed to support the construction industry we feel this decision provides a major boost to the entire house-building sector and reaffirms the coalition's stance on the role the house-building industry can play in supporting a wider economic recovery."
“Local people will benefit greatly from this decision. It will be a major contributor to stimulating the local economy and creating long-term jobs. Furthermore it will make a significant contribution to the chronic shortage of affordable housing, enabling key workers and other local people to live in their own city," the statement said.
Cala will now begin examinations on the detailed design for each phase of the development in line with the masterplan for the scheme to ensure that "much-needed housing is delivered as soon as possible."