After eight years of planning, developers have submitted detailed proposals to build 4,500 homes on farm land in the north east of Leicester.

The hybrid application, submitted to Charnwood Borough Council by developer Commercial Estates Projects, seeks outline permission for 4,500 homes, up to 13-hectares of employment land, two local centres, one district centre, one food store, reserved land for a traveller site, school and healthcare facilities, allotments, open space and other associated works.

Commercial Estates Group said: "The proposals make a significant contribution to meeting the objectively assessed housing need for the borough. Public consultation has been extensive and has helped shape the master plan."

Charnwood Borough Council has already identified a need for housing in the area; with almost 13,000 new homes to be delivered by 2028 and the location of 6,000 of these new homes yet to be identified.

A spokesperson for the council said: "The council is committed to ensuring the borough continues to grow and prosper, but also has a duty to ensure it is protected for future generations and so judges all planning applications on their own merits."

The council is consulting with residents, businesses and stakeholders on the planning application and will be accepting comments until February. It is expected that the planning committee will consider the application later this year.

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