Out-Law News 1 min. read

Qatar law aims to boost private sector employment for nationals

A new ‘job localisation’ law, intended to encourage employment of nationals by Qatari companies, is the latest in a line of recent legislative developments aimed at boosting ‘nationalisation’ efforts, an expert has said.

Doha-based employment law expert Sarah Khasawneh was commenting as the Ministry of Labour published Law No. (12) of 2024, on job localisation in the private sector.

The law will introduce standard employment contract templates for Qatari nationals which will be binding on employers, the Ministry of Labour said in a statement. At the same time the ministry will develop training, development and employment schemes for Qatari nationals, and provide “benefits, facilities and privileges” to encourage employers to hire from the local workforce.

The new law will apply to individuals managing private establishments registered in Qatar’s commercial register; to state-owned, state-participated or private sector commercial companies operating in Qatar; and to private not-for-profit institutions, sport institutions and associations. Employers will be classified by size, workforce and job type in a private sector job nationalisation plan, to be developed by the Ministry of Labour.

In a statement, the ministry said that the new law would also “address many challenges” that have previously hindered Qatari nationalisation efforts. Employer compliance with the nationalisation drive would be monitored, it said.

Khasawneh said: “Recent legislative advancements have clearly aimed to promote the participation of Qatari nationals in the private sector. They underscore a strategic commitment to enhancing opportunities for Qatari nationals in the private sector, aligning with the broader vision of the State of Qatar 2030 to foster economic growth and human development”.

The Qatari government recently introduced a new social security law incorporating mandatory pension scheme enrolment for employed Qatari nationals, and opt-in enrolment for self-employed Qatari nationals, among other provisions and allowances. Contribution rates under the new law are considerably higher than those applicable under the previous Qatari pension law.

“The introduction of a new retirement pension scheme in 2022 under the Social Security Law mandates all Qatari nationals, whether in the public or private sector, to enrol in the prescribed pension scheme,” said Khasawneh. “Additionally, self-employed Qatari nationals now have the option to join the new pension scheme. This law provides a variety of benefits and choices for individuals working in the private sector or those who are self-employed.”

“The Ministry of Labour recently stated that these laws are in line with the State of Qatar 2030 vision, specifically focusing on human development by investing in quality, creating employment and training opportunities for Qatari citizens, and aligning with the national development strategy to transition towards a more productive labour market,” she said.

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