The government of Queensland will spend A$14.8 billion ($11bn) in infrastructure investment in 2020/21.

Transport infrastructure will account for A$6.3bn ($4.7bn) of the spending, including A$1.5bn ($1.1bn) to continue construction work on Cross River Rail, and upgrades to the M1 Pacific Motorway and the Bruce Highway, according to a government statement.

The investments include A$8.4bn ($6.2bn) on road projects, A$4bn ($3bn) on rail projects, A$270.5m ($201m) on other public transport infrastructure, A$136m ($101m) on active transport infrastructure and $69.6m (A$93.7m) on marine infrastructure projects.

A$26.9bn ($20bn) is pledged to support 23,600 jobs over the next four years, as part of the state’s economic recovery plan.

Meanwhile, the government of Queensland has promised to set aside A$500m ($367.9m) for renewable energy development in the region, and the government has committed A$145m ($107.7m) to establish three renewable energy zones in northern, central and southern Queensland.

As part of the fund, clean energy generator CleanCo will construct and operate the A$250m ($185.8m) 102.6 megawatts (MW) Karara wind farm, which will be part of the A$2bn ($1.5bn) MacIntyre wind farm Precinct that is currently under development.


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