Out-Law News 5 min. read

Singapore to import low-carbon electricity from Vietnam

Singapore’s energy regulator has granted a conditional approval for importing 1.4 gigawatts (GW) low-carbon electricity from Vietnam.

Sembcorp Utilities Pte Ltd (SCU), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sembcorp Industries, will be implementing the project with Petro Vietnam Technical Services. The imported electricity will be predominantly powered by offshore wind and transmitted from Vietnam to Singapore via new subsea cables which will span around 1,000 kilometres, according to a statement by the Energy Market Authority (EMA).

According to a local press report, if approved, imports could begin in 2033 at the earliest. EMA said it would continue to seek low-carbon alternatives including geothermal, hydrogen and technologies such as carbon capture and storage in order to ensure Singapore’s power system is sustainable.

Singapore’s electricity import contract with Vietnam follows the similar ones with Indonesia for importing 2GW electricity, entered into earlier in October; and with Cambodia for 1GW of electricity in April.

In 2021, Singapore announced its intention to import up to 4GW of low-carbon electricity by 2035.

William Stroll, energy expert at Pinsent Masons MPillay, the Singapore joint law venture between MPillay and Pinsent Masons, said: “The total import capacity for which the EMA has granted conditional approval now exceeds Singapore’s 2035 4GW import target. The focus will now shift to implementation of these projects, with development of the necessary technical and regulatory frameworks being the immediate priority.”

The details of the companies who have been granted conditional approval so far are:

Company  Conditionally Approved Import Capacity Project Details  
 Pacific Medco Solar Pte Ltd, formed by PacificLight Renewables Pte Ltd, Medco Power Global Pte Ltd and Gallant Venture Ltd  0.6GW
  • Located in Bulan Island, Indonesia
  • 2,000MWp of solar PV and 500MW of battery storage
  • Expected to be completed by 2028
 Adaro Solar International Pte Ltd., formed by PT Adaro Clean Energy Indonesia  0.4GW  Details not yet released
 EDP Renewables APAC 0.4GW   Details not yet released
 Vanda RE Pte Ltd, formed by Gurin Energy Pte Ltd and Gentari International Renewables Pte Ltd  0.3GW
  • Located in the Riau Islands, Indonesia
  • 2GW of solar pv capacity and approx. 4,400MWh battery storage
  •  Expected to be completed (in phases) by 2032 
 Keppel Energy Pte Ltd  0.3GW
  • Located in the Riau Islands, Indonesia
  •  2GW of solar PV and integrated with utility-scale battery storage  
 Keppel Energy Pte Ltd  1GW
  • Electricity to be aggregated from various renewable energy sources in Cambodia
  • Import to be supplied from integrated energy system with more than 4GW capacity made up mainly of solar, plus hydro and (potentially) wind, and supported by battery and hydro storage
  •  Import expected to commence after 2030 
 Sembcorp Utilities Pte Ltd  1.2GW
  • Expected to be completed by 2033 (at the earliest)
  •  Imported to be supplied from offshore wind power and potentially other forms of generation  

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