Out-Law News 1 min. read

Singapore’s Covid-19 vaccination extended to short-term pass holders

Singapore’s short-term pass holders who have been in Singapore for an extended period can now get Covid-19 vaccinations under the national vaccination programme.

Eligible groups include certain short-term work pass and special pass holders such as those on Training Employment Passes (TEPs), Training Work Permits (TWP), Work Holiday Passes (WHP) and Special Passes, according to a statement of Singapore’s Ministry of Health (MOH).

Vaccinations will also be made available to eligible short-term visit pass holders who have been in the country for at 60 consecutive days, many of whom were unable to return because of global travel restrictions during the pandemic. Age-eligible holders of short-term work passes and special passes can go to any vaccination centre to get their first jab without a prior-appointment. They will need to bring identifying documents such as their passport and their work or special passes for verification.

Eligible short-term visit pass holders who have registered their phone numbers with the government will receive a text message from MOH with a personalised appointment booking link. These will be sent out progressively over the coming days. They will not be able to go to vaccination sites to get their jabs without making a prior appointment.

According to another statement of MOH, currently, all Singaporeans, Permanent Residents, and Long-Term Pass holders aged 12 years old and above are able go to any of the vaccination to get the Covid-19 jab without an appointment.

Mayumi Soh of Pinsent Masons MPillay, the Singapore joint law venture between MPillay and Pinsent Masons, the law firm behind Out-Law, said: “Although the stay of these short-term pass holders is temporary, it is hoped that vaccinating this group would further strengthen the country’s resilience against Covid-19 by increasing the number of vaccinated people in the country.”

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