Lambeth Council has decided to uphold its decision from last year to list the Southbank skateboard undercroft as an asset of community value (ACV) under the Localism Act, Planning Magazine has reported. 

Following an application from campaign group Long Live Southbank, Lambeth determined to list the undercroft as an ACV in July last year. The Southbank Centre, which owns the site and is proposing a £120 million Festival Wing refurbishment, asked the Council to review its decision.

According to a spokesperson at the Council, an internal review has been completed and the decision to list the undercroft as an ACV is being upheld, Planning Magazine reported.

Southbank Centre chief executive Alan Bishop confirmed that the Centre intends to appeal the decision. "We want to put skateboarding on the same constructive footing as we enjoy with our other communities on this vibrant site with its mix of users. It does not follow that skateboarders should be made a special case, with a separate legal status to all the other artists and performers on our site," Bishop said according to the reports.

Long Live Southbank also applied to register the undercroft as a village green. However, the Council notified the campaign group in September last year that the application was not valid.

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