Out-Law / Your Daily Need-To-Know

Sun Microsystems says it is considering suing Microsoft over the inadequacy of the antitrust settlement reached last week between Microsoft and the US Department of Justice.

Sun’s legal representative, Mike Morris, explained that the deal houses “all sorts of outs and loopholes and vagaries and lack of definitions.” As a result, Sun worries that Microsoft will exploit these loopholes to operate uncompetitively towards Sun and other rivals. The deal was intended to avoid such concerns and curb Microsoft’s powers by restricting the ways in which it can prejudice competitors.

Morris added, “I can’t tell you what we will do, but I can assure you that we will now move to active consideration and decision about what to do.”

Sun’s cause for concern stems in part from a US Court of Appeals case in June this year when Microsoft was found to have violated antitrust laws by suppressing Sun’s Java programming language.

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