SNIPPET: Their story bore all the hallmarks of a Hollywood caper, but for two teenagers the goings on in a London court last week were all too real. Nicholas Webber and Ryan Thomas appeared in court accused of managing an online crime forum.

News site ZDNet UK tells how the pair were caught trying to settle a £1,000 hotel bill with an allegedly stolen credit card.

Computers and documents on the pair led police to believe that they were instrumental in running, allegedly an online trading post for stolen card details as well as tips, tricks and tools for stealing more.

The two 18-year-olds are accused not only of going to Majorca instead of meeting their bail conditions, but also of breaking a subsequent ban on their going online at all, and of continuing to operate the site.

Three other young people are also accused of involvement in the site, and the trial has been set for 5th October, the report says.

Struan Robertson

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