Out-Law / Your Daily Need-To-Know

A text message advertisement sent in the style of a conscription notice has been banned by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) after a complaint by a former member of the British army. The text message was sent by games company Eidos Interactive, publishers of the Lara Croft series.
The ad stated: “please report to your local army recruitment centre immediately for your 2nd tour of duty. Commandos 2 on PC, it’s more real life than real life- out today from Eidos.”

The ASA said that it would uphold the complaint. Eidos had argued that “the text message had been designed in the manner of Second World War call out to new recruits” and that it had apologised for any distress caused by the advert. The company said it had never intended to insult its customers.

The ASA said that “at first glance the text could distress recipients” and “welcomed the advertiser’s assurance that they would not repeat it.”

The ASA ruled that the text message contravened two clauses of the advertising code, first that no advert should cause fear or distress without good reason and secondly that advertisers should ensure that advertisements are designed in such a way that it is clear that they are advertisements.

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