Out-Law / Your Daily Need-To-Know

The UK is the country that most actively stimulates entrepreneurship, according to a new study by professional services firm Andersen and entrepreneurial group GrowthPlus. The UK is followed by the US, Spain and the Netherlands at the top of the league table. At the bottom is Sweden, where stock options can be taxed at up to 59%.

The study analyses the fiscal, legal and social frameworks of nine European countries and the US. It benchmarks the topics - funding, people and the business environment - that Europe's high-growth entrepreneurs identify as those that most affect entrepreneurial activity, innovation and growth. It also highlights policies and legislation in each country that should be changed to create a more entrepreneur-friendly environment.

The report ranks the countries analysed in this order:

  • UK 48 (points attributed out of maximum 57)
  • USA 43
  • Spain 43
  • Netherlands 40
  • France 39
  • Germany 39
  • Belgium 38
  • Italy 37
  • Austria 36
  • Sweden 30

Overall the UK is seen to provide conditions that most foster growth companies. But it does not out-perform its neighbours in all categories. France offers the most supportive environment regarding “Funding” and Italy ranks highest under the “People” heading.

An executive summary of the full report, entitled “Not Just Peanuts”.

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