Whitehall Government departments have sold over 430 brownfield sites which will allow 68,000 new homes to be built Housing Minister Kris Hopkins has said.  

The land sales are expected to sustain over 135,000 jobs as the homes are built.

Kris Hopkins said, "The Government is a major landholder and hard-working taxpayers expect us to use these assets effectively. That’s why we have already delivered on our promise to release thousands of acres of brownfield land, the same number of homes as are in the whole of Blackpool, to protect the greenbelt and build new homes where they are needed."

"We’re making it easier for the public to see what land we own, and challenge us if they think they could use it better. Councils should now follow our lead, and consider if their land and property could be sold and used for delivering new homes, jobs and businesses in their communities," he said.

The figures show that the Government is on track to release enough land for 100,000 homes by 2015.  The government has called on housebuilders and developers to get on and use the land to build more new homes.  

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